Master Builders NSW has partnered with the following Aboriginal businesses to deliver the Aboriginal culture awareness course around New South Wales.  This course aims to enhance participants understanding of key facts, information and good practices relevant to working with Aboriginal people and communities across NSW. 

By improving participants understanding of Aboriginal people and communities’ dynamics and diversity, their engagement and communication with Aboriginal people as employees or sub-contractors and communities more broadly can be more effective.

It is important for anyone who works closely with Aboriginal people or communities to understand how culture and the impacts of colonisation effect communication, relationship building and self-perception. 
The diversity of Aboriginal people and communities is such that ‘one size does not fit all’. The information provided through this course provides a foundation from which participants can determine the best approach, for the situation and for the individual or community.

The course is for approximately 2.5 hours and may be delivered at a convenient workplace or a worksite.

QLD/NSW border to Coffs Harbour  
Across Culture 
Ian Bridger, Director 
0429 909 173  
Sydney Metropolitan
Yarn’n Aboriginal Employment Services 
Deborah Nelson, Director 
Fay Nelson,  Business Development Manager and Community Relations Manager 71-77 Regent St, Redfern NSW 2016  (02) 9319 4000
Central Coast to Coffs Harbour
New Start Australia 
Daniel Phillips, Managing Director 
0423 688 408  

For areas not listed or for more information, please contact Omesh Jethwani on 02 8586 3555 or email