The Master Builders Association of NSW conducts elections for its Council and Executive Committee. The process generally involves:
- Nomination Period: Nominations open on a specified date, as detailed in the election notice.
- Voting: Members vote for their preferred candidates.
- Results Declaration: The results are announced, revealing the elected members who will serve for the upcoming term.
Elections are held every two years.
For any questions regarding MBA elections, please email
2025 Casual Vacancy Election
Post Election Report
Upcoming election notifications
Please find below the Election Notice and Nomination form for Stage 1 election E2023/95.24. For any questions, please contact Amanda on 02 8586 3507.
Please find below the Election Notice and Nomination form for Stage 2 election E2023/95. For any questions, please contact Amanda on 02 8586 3507.
Insufficient Nominations Election - Election Notice and Nomination Form