Several years ago we noticed a problem in the industry. A lot of host employers wanted mature age apprentices, but the cost of employing adults was seen as prohibitive. At the same time, many of our apprentice applicants were over 21 years of age. They had financial commitments and sometimes a family to support, so the idea of being on apprentice level wages for four years was usually too difficult.  

We thought we should change this situation.

Master Builders Apprenticeship Service in conjunction with Master Builders Training Services developed a unique program, specifically for people over the age of 21. This 'accelerated' program allows people to start an apprenticeship and become a trade qualified carpenter in a shorter time frame. 

This unique and innovative program contains three steps:

  1. Commencement training (two weeks) 
  2. Apprentice training - phase one (12 month minimum) 
  3. Apprentice training - phase two) (12 month minimum)
How the program works

The commencement training is compulsory for a new entrant to establish some basic skills and get 'apprenticeship ready'. Phase one is the start of your apprenticeship, and begins when we place you with a Master Builders Training Employer. You will train with Master Builders Training Services for 12 in days each phase. Assessment tasks and preparation material will be delivered online.

Once you have met all of the units of competency and your training employer agrees that you are suitably qualified and experienced, you can complete your apprenticeship contract under a Competency Based Completion.

Our ideal candidate for this program is someone with building or construction experience, but a strong passion and willingness to work hard to achieve a carpentry trade is essential.

We run this course on a demand basis, so register your interest below so we can call you for our next course.

Next course dates:
14th October - 25th October 2019 FULLY BOOKED
16th March - 27th March 2020

Register you interest below.