• As a member of the Master Builders Association of New South Wales, I subscribe to the following Code of Fair Business practice, the guiding principles and objectives of which are:
  • Fair and equitable dealings with clients and other industry participants at all times;
  • Compliance, not only with the law, but with the minimum industry standards of conduct prescribed in this Code;
  • Accountability for any transgressions of this Code;
  • Promotion of an efficient, competitive and ethical building and construction industry;
  • Providing clients with the confidence that using an MBA member is a better way of building; and
  • Provision of the framework to continue industry reform and in particular changing the adversarial nature of commercial dealings to that of the partnering concept of utmost good faith and fairness in such dealings


  • To act at all times with honesty, integrity and responsibility and in the spirit of good faith and fair dealings;
  • To engage in no conduct which is unfair, harsh or unconscionable;
  • To engage in no practice which might tend to lower the standards applicable in the building and construction industry;
  • To observe both the spirit and the letter of the relevant laws of the Commonwealth, States and Territories in which we operate;
  • To understand the principles of fair trading legislation including but not limited to the Trade Practices Act
  • By ensuring that all key management participate in appropriate educative training and compliance programs;
  • To bring any known breach of the Code by a member to the attention of our Association without delay;
  • To seek further objectives of the Code; and
  • To observe the principles of the Code