The MBA Legal Department is operated by consultant lawyers and Association support staff and is known as "MBA Lawyers".
MBA Lawyers assist members with a range of matters including choice of contracts, contract interpretation, and advice on specific contract provisions.
The lawyers can also offer members advice on dispute resolution - informal and formal proceedings - as well as provide guidance in relation to contract administration and other legally binding documents.
Presented by Robert Collings
Topics will include:
- Security of Payment Act – new changes coming
- Contractual pitfalls – the continuing issues for builders
- Building Commissioners powers when it comes to residential apartments
- What’s new with the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020
- The latest legislative updates
- Statutory warranties and what you need to know
Must have access to a computer or mobile device with internet access, speaker capabilities.
This Webinar is mapped back to National Competency- FNSACC403: Make decisions in a legal context
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