
The President of the Master Builders Association Hunter Division would like to extend a warm invitation to you as a valued member of the MBA Hunter region to the President's Shout Industry Event.

Bring your staff, colleagues and business associates to enjoy an afternoon of drinks, finger food and an opportunity to network with like-minded industry professionals. 

For further enquiries, please contact MBA Newcastle office on 02 4953 9400 or email



    Please avoid physical greetings with other guests at this event. If you're experiencing flu-like symptoms, have been in direct contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms or have visited a COVID-19 hotspot in the 14 days prior to the event, we kindly ask that you do not attend.




    MBA Newcastle Office
    Members Room
    Level 2, 165 Lambton Road
    Broadmeadow NSW 2292



    Event type

    Social Event