
The Divisional Information Night brings industry experts to the region and allows members to stay up to date with local industry issues and legislation. It enables members to have a strong voice on local issues and provides an avenue to influence industry and government decisions.

Ramona Gray, Accounts Manager, PGH Bricks & Pavers Albion Park Rail
- Tools on how to help clients choose the right scheme for their new home
- Using the new Style Guide from PGH to select the right brick for your client
- Cleaning procedures as per the Thickbrick cleaning guide

Daniel Zamporogno, Accounts Manager, Monier Roofing
- Introduction to the InlineSolarTM Roof Tiles - an innovative solar solution
- What are the benefits, cost comparisons and installation methods?
- How does the InlineSOLARTM range compare to other solar solutions on the market?

AGM of the Illawarra Division of the MBA NSW
- Election of office bearers to take place for the period 2018/2019
- Email to discuss nominations
- Nominations will be called from the floor during the AGM where no written nomination has been received

Cost: Free to attend - Includes BBQ and light refreshments

Register to attend


PGH Bricks & Pavers
49 Durgadin Drive
Albion Park Rail



Event type

Division Nights

CPD Points