
The Division Information Night brings industry experts to the region and allows members to stay up to date with local industry issues and legislation. It enables members to have a strong voice on local issues and provides an avenue to influence industry and government decisions.


Midcoast Council Update

Chad Vowles, Coordinator Building Approvals, MidCoast Council

  • Explaining the new fast track Development Application (DA) process
  • Focusing on quality applications for lodgement
  • New integration with the planning portal
  • Processes to improve application time frames

Masonry failures and how to fix them

Philip Thornton, Consulting Engineer, Matrix Thornton

  • How Building Code of Australia (BCA) Importance Levels affect the design of buildings
  • Why have my masonry walls cracked? Should I be worried about it?
  • It's all about footings and how to get them right
  • Repair options using remedial ties and crack stitching bars



All attendees need to check the vaccination requirements with the venue. Please avoid physical greetings with other members and follow all directions from venue staff. If you feel unwell or have flu-like symptoms, we ask that you do not attend.



Roundabout Inn
28 Church Street
NSW 2422


Manning Great Lakes

Event type

Division Nights

CPD Points