
The Divisional Information Night brings industry experts to the region and allows members to stay up to date with local industry issues and legislation. It enables members to have a strong voice on local issues and provides an avenue to influence industry and government decisions.

Guest speakers:

Lance Harris, Principal Inspector, SafeWork NSW
Peter Barron, Principal Inspector, SafeWork NSW

- Falls from heights - the number one killer on construction sites
- Why you need to be asbestos aware
- Working safely with silica dust
- Preventing exposure to silica dust and how to lessen your chances of lung disease

Mark Forbes, Sales Manager Northern NSW
PGH Bricks, Pavers and Culture Stone

- Customer designed materials to deliver a unique and elevated experience
- Styles inspired by global and local trends in the environment and around us
- New technical manual specifically designed to assist builders who work with clay bricks

Danny Bayly, Director, Bayline Homes & Development
- Do you know your break-even - are your jobs making a profit but your end of year financials are not?
- Project and accounting management systems - how to tell if your current job is making a profit or loss
- Margin vs.mark-up - what is the difference?
- Tips on time management



$25.00 Members $50.00 Non Members


Bean Bar Cafe
1 Pulteney Street


Manning Great Lakes

Event type

Division Nights

CPD Points