
The Division Information Night brings industry experts to the region and allows members to stay up to date with local industry issues and legislation. It enables members to have a strong voice on local issues and provides an avenue to influence industry and government decisions.


workers compensation industry insight and data

Andrew Hollier, Strategic Industry Manager, icare - Insurance and Care NSW

  • Worker's compensation claims forms and data for your sector and area
  • Injury prevention and common injuries for your sector and area
  • Mental Health statistics
  • Tips to keep you safe at work


Industrial relations update

Cameron Spence, Workplace Relations Manager
Master Builders Association of NSW

  • What services the Industrial Relations team provide for members
  • Independent contractors vs employee - knowing the legal differences and obligations
  • What industry issues members are currently facing
  • Award update and new wage rates


Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given for the Annual General Meeting of the MIA Division. The business of the AGM is to;

  • Present the accounts of the Division
  • Present the Presidents and Secretaries Report
  • Elect a Committee of Management for the period 2022/2023

Nominations will be called during the AGM where no written nomination has been received.

If you would like to nominate for a position on the Committee of Management please phone Secretary or Office number to discuss nominations 


RSVP Tuesday 1 November



Griffith Leagues Club (Southside)
2 Bridge Road
Griffith NSW 2680



Event type

Division Nights

CPD Points