
The Division Information Night brings industry experts to the region and allows members to stay up to date with local industry issues and legislation. It enables members to have a strong voice on local issues and provides an avenue to influence industry and government decisions.


Industrial relations update

Cameron Spence, Workplace Relations Manager, Master Builders Association of NSW

  • What services the Industrial Relations team provide for members
  • Independent contractors vs employee - knowing the legal difference and obligations
  • What industry issues members are currently facing
  • Award update and new wage rates


Master builders insurance update

Alan Fraser, Senior Account Executive, Master Builders Insurance Brokers

  • Your insurance obligations in relation to the Design and Building Practitioners Act
  • Are you correctly licensed for the work you are undertaking? This could affect a potential insurance claim
  • Other insurance issues and market update


Concrete Casting Product Presentation

Nathan Davis, Concrete Artisan, NJ-Neer Concrete Casting

  • Introduction - a Concrete Artisan from Moree
  • Product range overview
  • Technical features and benefits
  • Various finishing products explained


Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given for the Annual General Meeting of the New England Division. The business of the AGM is to;

  • Present the accounts of the Division
  • Present the Presidents and Secretaries Report
  • Elect a Committee of Management for the period 2022/2023

Nominations will be called during the AGM where no written nomination has been received.

If you would like to nominate for a position on the Committee of Management please phone Secretary or Office number to discuss nominations 


Proudly sponsored by


RSVP Monday 10 October 2022


Tenterfield Bowling Club
77 Molesworth Street
Tenterfield NSW 2372


New England

Event type

Division Nights

CPD Points