
The Division Information Night brings industry experts to the region and allows members to stay up to date with local industry issues and legislation. It enables members to have a strong voice on local issues and provides an avenue to influence industry and government decisions.


Rima Merhi & Martin Cendana, Senior Business Development Executive, American Express

  • American Express Business Program
  • Industry Insights
  • Accepting American Express as a form of payment - benefits for your business


Peter Beckman, Director, Wedi Australia

  • Wet area building board introduction
  • Waterproof standards compliance
  • Fast fixing system - 4 hours not 4 days
  • Flexible design elements - floors, walls, drains, curves and recess


Anish Wilson, Associate, Kreisson 

  • Delays and Extensions of Time
  • The Prevention Principle - where a principal prevents a contractor from achieving practical completion on time
  • A Principals implied duty of good faith to allow extensions of time


To register for this ZOOM meeting - CLICK HERE 




Northern Suburbs

Event type

Division Nights

CPD Points