
The Division Information Night brings industry experts to the region and allows members to stay up to date with local industry issues and legislation. It enables members to have a strong voice on local issues and provides an avenue to influence industry and government decisions.


Transformational technologies

Jonathan Kempe, CEO and Founder, Verifai

  • Technologies that increase productivity - machine learning, augmented reality and low Earth orbit (satellites)

  • Transform processes - efficiency, accountability, transparency

  • Robotics in the building industry - how Boston Dynamics, Fastbrick Robotics and Leica are redefining building efficiency and productivity

Brick innovation and selection

Martin Driene, Managing Director, M D Brick

  • Not all bricks are the same
  • Why are dry press bricks specified?
  • Does brick strength matter?
  • What are exposure grade bricks?

Contract administration; the good, the bad and the ugly

David Glinatsis, Managing Director, Kreisson 

  • Managing contract risk better
  • Four things you should not do
  • Why good contract administration matters​



All attendees need to check the vaccination requirements with the venue. Please avoid physical greetings with other members and follow all directions from venue staff. If you feel unwell or have flu-like symptoms, we ask that you do not attend.


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Registrations are now closed


$45.00 Members $55.00 Non Members


Roseville Golf Club
4 Links avenue
Roseville NSw 2069


Northern Suburbs
Manly Warringah

Event type

Division Nights

CPD Points