
The Divisional Information Night brings industry experts to the region and allows members to stay up to date with local industry issues and legislation. It enables members to have a strong voice on local issues and provides an avenue to influence industry and government decisions.

Guest speakers:

John McGhee, Safety Officer, MBA NSW

  • The importance of High Risk Construction Work SWMS
  • The SafeWork NSW Operation Scaff Safe
  • Legal requirements of Safety Management Systems

Julia Yassa & David Creais, Lawyers, Bartier Perry Lawyers

  • The new laws to protect purchasers in off plan sales
  • "Disclosure statements" now required in contracts for the sale and purchase of land
  • Expanded definition of "sunset date"

Proudly sponsored by Bartier Perry Lawyers.

Bank details:

  • Account name - MBA Parramatta Division
  • BSB - 032 274
  • Account number - 000 187 008



$50.00 Members $50.00 Non Members


Sovereign Room
Castle Hill RSL
77 Castle Street, Castle Hill


Parramatta Cumberland

Event type

Division Nights

CPD Points