Bringing together industry experts to share their knowledge and experience in a concise, quality format.

CPD (or Continuing Professional Development) is a requirement in NSW for all builders and pool builders who must undertake 12 CPD points per year to maintain their building licence. CPD Seminar attendees earn up to 12 CPD points (full day), covering their annual requirement. If a partner or business associate accompanies an attendee they can accumulate up to four extra CPD points which can be carried over to your next years requirement.


Hear from industry experts about the following discussion topics for 2018:

1. What builders need to know about the latest energy changes -  Tony Djodan, Origin Energy

  • Power of Choice - what this means for the builder, electrician and their clients

  • Cost effective alternatives for metering and energy connections on larger
    building sites

  • Home energy management for tomorrow’s dwellings - as the builder are you on
    the right track?

2. Understanding the costs associated with BASIX changes - Jamie Bonnefin, Certified Energy

  • The recent changes to BASIX and the cost implications for the average new build

  • Discuss real case studies and learn about methods to reduce the costs of

  • Find out the most cost effective solutions and tips to meet BASIX compliance

3. The law that all builders need to knowDominic Puiu & Otre Moussa, Dial Before You Dig 

  • The main causes of damage, including assuming depth and alignment of networks

  • A summary of the law in NSW, including WHS Codes of Practice

  • An introduction to reading utility plans and how to prevent damages

4.  Complete Concrete Protection - Louise Howell, Oxtek Australia

  • Understand AS 1884-2012 Floor Coverings - Resilient Sheet and Tiles

  • The importance of curing concrete correctly and the differences between the four types of curing options

  • How to prevent moisture related problems


Event Timetable

7.30 am Registration
8.00 am The Latest Energy Changes
9.30 am Morning Tea
9.45 am Costs Associated with BASIX Changes
11.15 am The Law All Builders Need to Know
12.45 pm Lunch
1.30 pm Complete Concrete Protection
3.00 pm Finish


  • CPCCBC5012A - Manage the application and monitoring of energy conservation and management practices and processes

  • CPCCBC5011A - Manage energy efficient building methods and strategies

  • RIICCM202D - Identify, locate and protect underground services

  • CPCCC03043A - Cure concrete

* The knowledge provided forms the foundation of the above competencies. This knowledge, together with experience and further study equips participants for assessment and the award of an AQF statement of attainment. All presentations include a questionnaire on the material presented.


$385.00 Members $495.00 Non Members


Rosehill Gardens Racecourse
James Ruse Dr
Rosehill NSW 2142


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CPD Series

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