
The Division Information Night brings industry experts to the region and allows members to stay up to date with local industry issues and legislation. It enables members to have a strong voice on local issues and provides an avenue to influence industry and government decisions.


Structural building defects & construction issues

Daniel Cully, Structural Engineer, Triaxial

  • Common issues with concrete construction
  • Structural building defects, why they occurred, and how to avoid them
  • Construction Issues when erecting concrete structures
  • Retrofit and remediation of defective concrete structures
  • Two current case studies will be presented providing real-life scenarios

Modern methods of masonry repair

Nader Zaki, Business Unit Manager, Helifix

  • Traditional masonry repair methods
  • Modern masonry repair techniques
  • Common masonry defects
  • Case studies


Proudly sponsored by



All attendees need to check the vaccination requirements with the venue. Please avoid physical greetings with other members and follow all directions from venue staff. If you feel unwell or have flu-like symptoms, we ask that you do not attend.


Payment method: Direct Deposit
BSB: 012 402
Account No.: 005 799 034
Account name: MBA St George Division



$25.00 Members $35.00 Non Members


Bexley Golf Club 
203 Stoney Creek Road


St George

Event type

Division Nights

CPD Points