Construction (Commercial) » Safety - Best Personal Employee Contribution to WHS
Anthony Pidgeon - TCQ Builders

Anthony has 25 years’ experience in both domestic and commercial construction.
Following his recovery from a significant workplace injury on a residential construction site, Anthony joined TCQ as a site foreman in 1997, working his way up to Construction Manager, demonstrating his willingness to tackle the challenges encountered by this industry.
Anthony has established a number of fledgling health and safety initiatives in his position with TCQ, including initiatives to identify young and inexperienced workers and to raise awareness for their need to be supervised on construction sites.
Anthony demonstrates a personal drive to improve workplace health and safety in the construction industry. The judges were pleased to hear that Anthony takes time-out to speak to school students and to trade apprentices at TAFE about his personal experiences with the workplace injury, in an effort to dispel the myth that we’re all ‘bullet proof’.

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Anthony Pidgeon - TCQ Builders
Anthony Pidgeon - TCQ Builders