Construction (Commercial) » Health Buildings - Refurbishment
UP TO $5 Million
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Calvary Riverina Hospital CSSD Redevelopment
Wagga Wagga

Fugen were contracted for the refurb works of the Calvery CSSD and Surgicentre. Several areas were critical for infection control and the design and construct of the mechanical ventilation, HEPA filtration, reverse osmosis, electrical and finishes, were required to fully comply with the new Australian Standards. 
The project was delivered in 4 stages to ensure the hospital remained fully functional.  Dust proof hoardings and doors were installed to separate construction zones from the functioning hospital, ensuring ventilation pressures and infection control were maintained whilst permitting unhindered general public/pedestrian and hospital staff foot traffic.
An additional roof top plant was required for the new CSSD located on a prefabricated plant platform constructed from engineered lightweight steel trusses and lifted in place by a crane. 
Fugen embraced the challenges of this intense refurbishment, delivering a high-quality product for this regional private hospital and rightly deserve this award.

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Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd
Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd