Construction (Commercial) » Commercial Buildings
$25,000,001 - $80,000,000
Grocon Constructors NSW Pty Ltd

The new office building has retained the original 1927 façade and awning on George Street of the original building occupied by Nock & Kirby from 1933 to 1983.  The existing façade and awning was restored and is now connected to the new structure with the original support columns from ground to first floor removed to provide flexibility for retailing shopfronts and tenancy sub-division.
The structural support for the new building presented Grocon with innumerable structural problems including RailCorp’s requirements for vibration, cracks and convergence monitoring prior to and throughout the construction period.
The strength of the rock foundations around the rail tunnels was found to be less than the basis of the design, necessitating extensive redesign (by Grocon) of the two main transfer walls spanning the rail tunnels.
The entire building is founded on vibration isolation bearings at the footing level to allow the maximum retail tenancy space at the base of the building.
Grocon successfully completed this extremely complex building with the 5 floor tenant occupying and commencing operations immediately following contract completion.

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Grocon Constructors NSW Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors NSW Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors NSW Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors NSW Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors NSW Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors NSW Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors NSW Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors NSW Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors NSW Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors NSW Pty Ltd