Construction (Commercial) » Site Safety - Commercial Projects
$50,000,0001 & OVER
Grocon Constructors Pty Ltd
Castlereagh Street

This project is one of Australia’s largest single stage commercial developments currently being undertaken.
The project has dual address being Castlereagh Street and Pitt Street and consists of a 50 level (44 storey) Premium Grade office tower, a new retail building on Castlereagh Street, an open plaza space between the buildings, and includes the restoration of an existing 4 level heritage building.
In April this year Grocon launched its brand identity for each of its four core values.
On of these core values “Safety - Beyond Measure”, is Grocon’s safety initiative to deliver a happy and healthy workforce for every one of its people. Looking after one another is behaviour intrinsic to Grocon’s culture and overall success.
Like many projects of similar scope and scale, this project’s OHS requirements included major demolition, followed by the structural and finishing trades working together on parts of the project. The judges said that the project team managed these risks extremely well, providing for a safe site.
A number of design initiatives were also employed by the project team;
-    Jumpform components were built off site
-    bridges were manufactured to provide safe access over steel reinforcement
-    design and fabrication of a new prestressing cable carriers
-    systems were developed to permit safe access to the façade support fixings
-    handrails for formwork installed on the slab below and lifted into place with the table forms
The site management’s commitment to providing a safe workplace was clearly evident to the judges, with the new company initiative and core values, successful in changing the mindset of all workers on the site with regards to OHS.

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Grocon Constructors Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors Pty Ltd
Grocon Constructors Pty Ltd