Construction (Commercial) » 3rd Year Apprentice of the Year Award
Carpentry & Joinery
Brisland Pty Ltd
Joint Winner

Jasper has an observant and mature attitude which is an asset to his demonstrated finesse and carpentry skills.
He is an easy going person who is well liked by his peers and workmates. He maintains a high standard of workmanship with all his tasks. He is a good communicator which enables him to complete tasks and take on more responsibilities. He is easy to teach and is keen to pick up new skills from those around him.
Jasper commutes from Stanwell Park to the city and beyond and is always punctual.  This shows us his enthusiasm in his chosen career.  He always works towards the projects common goal.
Jasper is very aware of the high risk associated with the construction industry and is very safety conscious.  He can easily identify hazards and rectify or control them. Work on the project at Sydney University gave him experience in working with Asbestos on site. He understood the risks involved and learnt the correct processes to prevent further contamination.
Jasper is an extremely active person who enjoys surfing and rugby. He is a member of the local Life Saving Club. His sporting attributes have enabled him to be a highly regarded team member.
We are very proud of how Jasper is progressing in his apprenticeship.

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Jasper Crisp
Jasper Crisp