Construction (Commercial) » 3rd Year Apprentice of the Year Award
Building Momentum

The judges were impressed with Lewis immediately. He has fought a hard battle that would have made anyone lay down or give in, but not Lewis. 
He has had major brain surgery twice. Removing a large tumour from deep inside his brain, followed by hefty doses of chemotherapy. Despite his illness, Lewis would come to work during his Chemotherapy treatment. 
He arrived on site ready to work after being cleared by his doctors, staples in his head and all while feeling sick 24/7, smiling and outperforming his role as a Stage 3 apprentice.
Lewis's strength is that he wants to learn. He wants to know the ins and outs of everything, how it works and why it works. The way things are put together and always working a step ahead. 
It is not a job to him. It is a future career that he can develop and build up a business he will be proud of.

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Lewis Augustine Kranitais
Lewis Augustine Kranitais