Housing (Residential) » Contract Houses
$1.8 Million - $2 Million
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
"Hunters Hill House"
Joint Winner

The construction of this very interesting design was no mean feat, according to the judges.  The house is simultaneously earthy and organic and modern and inviting, and was constructed on a sheltered battleaxe block site. The house is designed as a series of ‘garden rooms’ that entwine the new home with the existing landscape. A material palette of recycled timber, stone and concrete create a rich texture with an historic sandstone perimeter wall refurbished and rebuilt, whilst new sandstone was used in the house. Large suspending concrete slabs, precast kitchen and fireplace benches, external timber cladding and timber sliding doors all combined to create difficulties for the builder. The finished product however was remarkable. A fabulous achievement. 

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Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd
Maincorp Construction Group Pty Ltd