Construction (Commercial) » 3rd Year Apprentice of the Year Award
Coddington Constructions Pty Ltd

Comments from Training Employer – Sean Coddington
Michael is a phenomenal apprentice, having an all round great attitude to his training and his proactive, thorough contribution to work on site.  One would think he was the foreman already.
He gets to site much earlier than the others to prepare the site for the day.  He sets up the traffic controls and arranges the tools necessary for the day and makes the working day for others much simpler and productive.
Michael has exceptional knowledge for his year and has an extremely high level of communication with co-workers and clients, talking with them so they better understand the construction process.
He is a vigilant, alert worker which allows him to be aware of the changing environment and safety issues in a construction site. Michael excels in all areas of his job, safety is no exception.
If everyone displayed the care and consideration Michal does, the industry would be a much safer place.
Michael sets himself goals daily and ensures he achieves them every day!
Goals & Ambitions
Michael is a very fit, energetic person, playing Rugby Union and attending the gym daily.  His healthy, conscious lifestyle has a positive influence for his work mates.

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Michael Batchelor
Michael Batchelor