Construction (Commercial) » 4th Year Apprentice of the Year Award
Carpentry & Joinery
Grindley Construction Pty Ltd
Joint Winner

Comments from Training Employer – Martin Patience
Mitchell is a very talented, reliable and trustworthy employee.  His personality teamed with his caring and committed nature ensures a high quality of work and work ethic.  His good time management skills allow for projects to run smoothly along with his expertise in carpentry which definitely improves productivity.
Mitchell has achieved a number of achievements, having completed a Cert II in Trade Trading, Cert II in Outdoor Recreation and Hospitality studies as well as Junior and Senior Leaders courses for the Australian Army cadet corps.
He has received the MBA Alvin Neate Award for Top Student Carpentry & Joinery Cert III, Excellence in Training Award for Outstanding Effort 2007, 2008 and 2009 and is due to complete his apprenticeship early next year.
Goals and Ambitions
Mitchell will be a success in his chosen profession and will prove to be an absolutely fantastic tradesperson, one with which the industry truly needs.

Photo gallery

Mitchell Roberts
Mitchell Roberts