Shell House – Brookfield Place Sydney Brookfield Place comprises 3 buildings in the city of Sydney;
- Shell House - restoration
- Beneficial House - restoration
- 10 Carrington St - new multistoreyoffice building Whilst the works involved with Beneficial House & construction of the new office building are of an excellent standard, the focus of interest in Brookfield Place is the restoration of Shell House, a 1930’s style 65.5m high office building. Shell House was originally designed by Spain & Cash; it is fully clad with terra cotta tiles & includes a 400 tonne historic clock tower. The Shell House restoration involved the gutting of the multistorey building (including demolition of all floors) whilst retaining the entire historic façade, and the rebuilding of the floors to the original 65.5m height whilst supporting the 400 tonne clock tower above. This involved the erection of a structural steel core in one of the light wells and a web of massive diagonal steel struts that progressively braced the façade as the floors were removed. Ultimately the reconstructed Shell House was joined to the multistorey office building known as 10 Carrington St via a full height void, which also allowed for vertical movement between floors via supported stairs and allowed for bridges to span the void to connect office floors all in open plan design. The complexity of the sequential reconstruction to protect and support the façade and clock tower of Shell House, (noting that the building sits above Sydney’s underground rail line), and ultimately achieve a very high standard of internal works (including integrated fit out for the National Australia Bank), and then linking this to the modern adjoining multistorey office building constructed simultaneously is a real credit to the constructor Multiplex Constructions Pty Ltd.
Construction (Commercial) » Outstanding Construction Award
Multiplex Constructions
Shell House, Brookfield Place