The Children’s Centre is located in Wodonga West Public Primary School. It includes Administration, Kindergarten and Learning areas. The building is a unique design and required the Builder and his trades to work together, communicate well and pay attention to detail.
The building steps and ramps with the sloping ground. Stormwater was addressed early in the works. Walls were designed out of square and timber frame was generally used throughout. Laminated Lumbar timber and structural framing is a feature of the project. It has been left exposed and the detailing around the various angked junctions is exceptional. There has been a great deal of expertise in coordinating building elements to ensure there is a logical setout and pattern to reflect the intent of the design. Extensive landscaping and relocating existing demountable classrooms were included in the contract. Plantation timbers and solar panels were part of the sustainable initiatives included in the work,
This project was delivered ahead of schedule ion a school environment with its safety and access restraints. The quality of finish and standard of construction is exceptional.