Construction (Commercial) » Excellence In Environmental Management
Proline Building Commercial Pty Ltd
Oak Flats Commuter Carpark

Proline Building was responsible for the construction and completion of a new car park Stage 1 (157 car spaces) followed by construction of the extension to the existing adjacent car park extension Stage 2 (80 car spaces) along with the establishment of a temporary bus shelter and upgrade of the existing bus shelter Stage 3.
The existing car park and bus/rail interchange remained operational for the public and adjacent busy local police area command headquarters throughout the project.
Environmental management was critical throughout this project. The site is located adjacent to a wetland area which is the natural habitat to a rare and endangered species of frog - the green and yellow bell frog. It was crucial to protect this area before any construction works commenced. The area was protected by a 1.5m high fence.
The construction site fence was fitted with erosion and sediment control and all storm water drains adjacent to the site were fitted with sediment control. Dust levels were controlled by covering all stockpiles and the road outside the site was swept and hosed daily. The existing trees within the construction site were protected by temporary fences for the duration of the works.
The monitor all the environmental controls in place, daily environmental walks were undertaken throughout the project and any defects to fencing or sediment controls were tendered to immediately. These walks also helped to identify any new environmental issues that needed to be addressed.
The construction of the new car parks was found to be over an existing reclaimed swamp area with unsuitable foundation material which had to be removed and replaced with a more stable material.
The unsuitable excavated material was transported to a local site where it was to be reused for other purposes. The new foundation materials were also sourced locally, as were the other road base materials, concrete and road paving. The local supply of materials dramatically improved the environmental impact of the project.
The project required careful consideration to the project staging and traffic management whilst maintaining the existing car park spaces at all times servicing the busy Oak Flats railway station, bus interchange and police local area command without incident.
Proline Building has delivered a sustainable and environmentally friendly additional 237 commuter car parking spaces with enhanced lighting, accessible parking and improved disability access. Well done. 

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Proline Building Commercial Pty Ltd
Proline Building Commercial Pty Ltd
Proline Building Commercial Pty Ltd
Proline Building Commercial Pty Ltd
Proline Building Commercial Pty Ltd
Proline Building Commercial Pty Ltd
Proline Building Commercial Pty Ltd
Proline Building Commercial Pty Ltd