Housing (Residential) » Contract Houses
$1.8 Million - $2 Million
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
"Naremburn House"
Joint Winner

The Naremburn House is located in a conservation area on the lower North Shore of Sydney which meant a range of challenging and sometimes contradictory town planning, heritage and design criteria coupled with complex architectural design of this project meant the builder was expected to have a real design sensitivity and an eye for detail.  The judges said these qualities were shown by the builder, resulting in a superb project. Many other challenges were faced including the composite structural systems, persistent overland flow issues caused by neighboring properties, complicated scaffolding requirements both internally and externally, and complex compliance issues surrounding the cantilevering stair and Corian panel feature wall. The end result is greatly attributed to the successful collaboration and communication between all parties involved the testing of samples, the prototyping of custom elements and cross checking of documentation. Congratulations for an absolutely superb project.

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Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd
Stuart Wilson Constructions Pty Ltd