Housing (Residential) » Environmental Management - Housing
Viva Living Homes
Joint Winner

Located in a cool temperate climate, in the western foothills of the Blue Mountains, this four bedroom two level Strawbale home was constructed.  The house uses solar design principles, having large openings to the north for winter solar gain, and an external pergola with a deciduous vine for summer shading. Lightly coloured external walls and roof reduce summer heat gain by reflecting the summer heat. The exterior walls are 400mm thick Strawbale with lime render, rated at R7.1. The internal walls are 120mm thick earth rendered cob finished with a lime wash, to provide a core of thermal mass which moderates and stabilizes internal air temperatures. Rice straw and wheat based straw bales are chosen as they are a by-product of farming industries, and the carbon in the straw is trapped in the walls. The clay and earth renders creates a breathable wall system which adjusts humidity within a home to be 40-70% reducing condensation and mildew problems. The clay used in the renders was harvested from the site. These materials dramatically reduce the embodied energy from processing and transportation compared with conventional construction materials. Cross breezes and cross ventilation are allowed for with appropriate openings to provide comfort in summer evenings. Ceiling sweep fans are used in the living rooms and in all bedrooms. The windows and doors are double glazed, with frames from locally sourced blackbutt timber, and manufactured in the Blue Mountains. An evacuated tube solar water heater with bottle gas boosting provides domestic hot water. A wood fired cooking stove has a wetback for hydronic heating, which is combined with the solar water heater, passing through heater panels in the living room, bathroom and family room. An electric stove is also available for cooking especially during the summer months.  A 100,000 litre water tank catches rain water for use in the home and also for the garden when needed. A Grey water system collects the water from the laundry, bathroom and kitchen sinks and feeds a sub-surface irrigation system. A worm farm and septic system reduces water usage.  Low Voc water soluble sealers were used on the floor and ceiling lining, reducing off gassing and enable easy clean-up without damaging the environment.  A 2.14 kW photovoltaic grid connected system further reduces running costs and the consumption of grid electricity. Lighting is LED and fluorescent to reduce electricity usage.  The end result is an energy efficient home that is warm in winter, cool in summer, has a low environmental impact, low running costs, and is healthy for the occupants.   -  A worthy Joint Winner for the Excellence in Environmental Management Award for 2014.


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Viva Living Homes