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Building Commission NSW is reminding licensed plumbers and drainers of their responsibilities when it comes to supervising unqualified workers such as apprentices.

An awareness campaign was launched after inspectors found multiple cases of unqualified workers doing plumbing and drainage works without proper supervision.

From late February to May 2025, inspectors will be providing information, conducting inspections and answering questions.
From June 2025, inspectors will be visiting worksites around NSW and carrying out targeted compliance activities.

They will be paying particular attention to supervision requirements and checking to ensure people conducting plumbing and drainage hold the appropriate licence or certificates for the category of work.

To avoid enforcement action, ensure any unqualified workers are properly supervised. Building Commission NSW can issue fines of up to $1,500 per breach. Repeat offenders can expect licence suspension or cancellation.

Only endorsed contractors and supervisor certificate holders can supervise plumbing and drainage works.

Holders of an endorsed contractor licence or a supervisor certificate in plumbing and draining must have any unqualified employees under immediate supervision when such work is undertaken.

Tradesperson certificate holders cannot supervise unqualified employees. Tradesperson certificate holders may be authorised to work under the general supervision of someone holding an endorsed contractor licence or supervisor certificate.

To learn more about supervision requirements: