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The Design and Building Practitioners Act has been in effect since 1st July this year. To support this the Draft “Design and Building Practitioners Regulation 2020” is now out for comment 

The reforms will apply to all Class 2 dwellings. For the first time in NSW, a registration system will exist for engineers involved in the design and construction of these buildings.

The NSW Government is seeking feedback on proposed regulations that aim to improve the design and construction of buildings within the state.

Consultation on the Design and Building Practitioners Regulation 2020 aims to provide stakeholders an opportunity to give feedback on changes to how buildings are regulated.

Each step of construction design must be documented and “declared” by the registered designer. Practitioners will be required to design variations and build in accordance with the Building Code of Australia.”

The development of the regulations is part of the NSW Government’s building reform agenda and will commence on 1 July 2021.