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MEDIA RELEASE: Master Builders Association of NSW applauds the NSW Parliament’s bipartisan approach in passing the Industrial Relations Amendment (Administrator) Bill 2024 and calls on the Federal Parliament to follow suit.

The CFMEU NSW Branch has dual registration under both the federal and NSW industrial relations system and therefore requires legal and legislative action at both a state and federal level.

Executive Director Brian Seidler said: “Master Builders thanks the NSW Parliament for taking this vital step to help ensure the ongoing integrity and viability of the industry in our state.

“Master Builders calls on the Federal Parliament to follow the bipartisan leadership of its NSW counterparts.

“The appointment of an administrator is a necessary first step to bring about changes to the union.

“The industry is intimately familiar with the ingrained culture of lawlessness and thuggery that has plagued the sector for decades.

“We cannot rest on our laurels. The NSW Government must now take meaningful steps to stamp out this culture once and for all.

“This includes reviewing procurement policies and the current CFMEU pattern Enterprise Bargaining Agreement to ensure they have been genuinely agreed to.

“Master Builders will continue to encourage contractors not sign the current CFMEU pattern agreement,” Mr Seidler concluded.

Master Builders urges the industry to come forward with any information, materials, or evidence involving the CFMEU via the Fair Work Commission’s complaint form or by calling 03 9063 7633.