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3 minutes

A free online webinar hosted by SafeWork NSW will be held on Friday, 14th June at 11 am regarding the ban on engineered stone. You can register to attend here.

From 1 July 2024, the ban will apply to the use, supply, and manufacture of engineered stone benchtops, panels, and slabs.

If you are a person carrying out a business or undertaking (PCBU) that involves the manufacture, supply, processing, or installation of engineered stone benchtops, panels, and slabs, this is an important event for you to attend.

The webinar will be hosted by SafeWork experts and will cover topics including:

  • the transition period to be implemented in NSW, giving businesses with contracts already in place (on or before 1 December 2023) time to finalise any supply and installations prior to 31 December 2024
  • what it means to ‘process’ engineered stone and how any processing must be controlled
  • how to notify SafeWork NSW if you intend to process any legacy stone. This includes any repairs, minor modifications, removal and disposal of engineered stone benchtops, panels or slab already installed.

There will be an opportunity to ask the expert panel questions after the presentation. You can register to attend here.

If you cannot attend, you can find more information about the ban on the SafeWork NSW website or you can visit the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations website, and Safe Work Australia website.