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The MBA is establishing a Strata Inspection Panel (SIP) in response to the Strata Scheme Management Act 2015 for identified building industry organisations to prepare, establish and maintain a Strata Inspection Panel to carry out inspections on Class 2 and 3 Buildings.

Any member interested in being included on the MBA SIP will need to:

  1. Successfully complete the MBA SIP Workshop
  2. Be a member of the MBA and the MBA Consultants Group
  3. Have current Professional Indemnity Insurance 

The first MBA SIP Workshop will be held over two days from Friday 27 to Saturday 28 August 2021. Members who are interested in attending the workshop will need to submit an application by no later than 6 August 2021. The number of places for the Workshop are limited.

To make an application and receive more information in respect of the MBA SIP Workshop, please email Libby: lmolloy@mbansw.asn.au