Clarendon Homes Group has embarked on a project to construct a new enclosure for a family of Hamadryas Baboons that have been retired or rehabilitated at Zambi Wildlife Retreat in Wallacia. 

The 357 sqm enclosure, due for completion by June this year, is designed to create a resort style retreat to improve the quality of life and dignity of the group of baboons with a mix of males, females and juveniles. The landscaping and vegetation will closely resemble their natural environment, complete with a raised 12m² resting platform, manmade sandstone caves and an active water feature.

A secure viewing platform for interactive feeding is being constructed, allowing the public to experience the baboons distinct character during exclusive visits. There is also a fully covered secure service area for staff and volunteers to manage and care for the health of the baboon while providing privacy from the public. 

Clarendon first became aware of the need for the new enclosure during a staff reward day at the Wildlife Retreat, when a small group of their team experienced a variety of exotics animals, in an up-close and intimate way.

“Zambi cares for animals who have been retired from zoos and circus’s, orphaned, injured and rescued from unloving homes and wanted to help them on their mission to provide the best care possible,” said Peter Campbell, Chief Executive Officer, Clarendon Homes Group.

He added, “Providing a new enclosure to rehouse their baboon troop, was Zambi’s top priority at the time and as homebuilders knew we had the capacity to work with our partners in the business to make it happen.”

Zambi Wildlife Retreat is home to the big cats, lions and tigers, along with primates, native birds, dingoes, wolf dogs, reptiles, domestic and farm animals. Private tours and small corporate group visits can be arranged by appointment, where visitors will be contributing to the care of existing animals and those who will also be needing a safe and loving home in the near future.
“This is truly an amazing sponsorship with Clarendon homes  - our gratitude for their involvement and the support from their  business partners, is beyond words. It is so exciting for us to know what lays ahead for the baboon family and it will be the most wonderful day when they step inside their incredible new home for the very first time,” said Donna Wilson, Director, Zambi Wildlife Retreat.