Closing… Changes have been made to the Fair Work Act as part of the Australian Government’s new Closing Loopholes laws. Some changes start from 15 December 2023, and others start later...
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Results… The voices of more than 16,000 people, including NSW renters and owners have been heard following extensive public consultation on rental reforms being developed by the NSW Government. A third...
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Asbestos… Recycled mulch must not contain asbestos or any material likely to cause pollution. The EPA regularly audits producers and suppliers of recycled mulch and has a zero-tolerance approach to the...
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Builders… In the midst of political wrangling, Master Builders Australia urges Parliament to adopt sensible housing policies that benefit both aspiring homeowners and encourage more housing supply. CEO Denita Wawn said...
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A Victory… Master Builders has been actively campaigning against a proposal that threatened the rights of independent contractors to be their own boss. We travelled to over 20 locations around the country...
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Building… As the Australian economy navigates a complex landscape, Master Builders Australia has used its pre-budget submission to remind the Federal Government of the critical importance of the building and construction...
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2024… The National Occupational Respiratory Disease Registry Rules 2024 make it official that silicosis is a recognised work-related lung disease for the National Occupational Respiratory Disease Registry. These rules also: -...
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… Building Commission NSW inspectors now have the power to inspect freestanding houses and terraces at any time, anywhere. Inspectors can enter houses under construction, or post construction, and order defects...
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… The updated NCC 2022 has introduced significant changes for waterproofing in residential buildings. It emphasises more detailed requirements, particularly in areas prone to moisture. Notable changes include: Reintroduction of construction...
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Home… Latest building approvals figures show new home builds continue to remain too low despite an uptick in higher density building. Responding to data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics...
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