The Stand… Last week, workers employed by five major contractors in the NSW building and construction industry voted on accepting a new company enterprise bargaining agreement. Something historic happened – two of...
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MBA… This week workers employed by numerous major contractors will vote on accepting a new company enterprise bargaining agreement. The fact that the votes will be close is a testament to...
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Adoption… The National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 is now expected to be adopted by states and territories from 1 September 2022.This means that any of the changes scheduled into the new...
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2020… The Federal Treasurer, the Hon. Josh Frydenberg MP, delivered the 2020 Federal Budget on 6 October 2020. As anticipated, the announcement included bringing forward personal income tax cuts already legislated...
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Be merry… With Christmas just around the corner, most employees will soon be enjoying some hard-earned down time at the office end of year party. But some steps need to be taken...
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Watpac… Quick summary: Reports that the NSW CFMMEU branch has launched another campaign of shutting down the sites of major builders, including this time a Watpac site, citing safety concerns. Industry...
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Important… Exciting and important concessions have been put in place for members for the 4 month period from the 2 November 2020 to 28 February 2021. One of the major new...
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Master… We are fighting against the CFMMEU’s industrial threat to shut down projects every second Monday
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5 SAFETY… Our workplaces might be rapidly changing, but we must still remain vigilant when it comes to health and safety. The recent SafeWork Australia report is a timely reminder that the...
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Home… The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) completed its review of the NSW Home Building Compensation Fund (HBCF) on Friday the 9th October 2020. IPART will now provide recommendations for...
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