… This new model code provides practical information on how to manage health and safety risks associated with respirable crystalline silica from engineered stone.
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MBA forms… The MBA has established a Strata Inspection Panel (“Panel”) in response to the Strata Scheme Management Act 2015 for identified building industry organisations to prepare, establish and maintain a Panel...
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A new… A new online platform has been launched for the Australian building and construction industry!
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2021… Finally, we were able to host a “live” Event for this year’s Awards, held at The Star.
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Clause 2.… In light of recent member enquiries regarding clause 2.3.1 in the Australian Standard AS 1926.1 - Safety barriers for swimming pools, we spoke with the Swimming Pool & Spa Association...
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Fair Work… In September 2021, the Australian Parliament passed the Sex Discrimination and Fair Work (Respect at Work) Amendment Act 2021 containing the first part of legislative reforms recommended in the Respect@Work...
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Covid… NSW is enjoying a beautiful late spring as the COVID-19 lockdowns wind down towards the 1 December deadline.
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Modern… In June 2018, the Modern Slavery Act 2018 was passed by the Parliament after being introduced as a private member's Bill.
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… And there is more good news to come... Although the HomeBuilder scheme closed at the end of March 2021, it is not the end of the renovation boom in New...
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Home… The effect of land title on home warranty insurance (HWI) premium can be significant. Don't get caught out - here's what you need to know. HWI is generally the last...
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