"The… A Supreme Court of Appeal has confirmed that the builder is not liable for combustible cladding installed on the Lacrosse tower.
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State… SafeWork inspectors will be visiting construction sites across NSW to inspect scaffold structures, issuing on-the-spot fines and stop-work notices for failure to comply with NSW’s safety standards.
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Non-… Orders issued under compliance and enforcement powers now available on the Fair Trading website
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… Master Builders is exploring ways to relieve the pressure on the supply chain barriers and product shortages.
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Latest… Consistent with Master Builders warnings during the severity of the pandemic lockdowns last year, employment along with business investment is proving to be one of the stubborn indicators in showing...
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Staged… From 1 March 2021 staged claims are no longer compulsory for fixed price residential contracts. It is proposed that the ABIC Simple Works contract return to the periodic claim regime...
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Builders… The NSW Government is slashing red tape and removing barriers for tradies to work across state and territory borders, delivering a major boost for jobs and the economy. The Government...
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Master… Education and training is set to play a pivotal role in our economic recovery. To support the growth of our industry, Master Builders has secured more training subsidies. Under the...
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… For owner occupier residential contracts signed after 1 March 2021 builders will be able to claim for periodic claims and not just staged claims. This comes with the recent amendments...
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Another $… The federal government has announced a $1.2 billion extension of it’s apprentice wage subsidy program. The Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements wage subsidy program (BAC) will be extended for 12 months for...
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