Watpac… ANSTO is Australia’s National Nuclear Science & Technology organisation based at Lucas Heights. The ANSTO Molybdenum-99 production facility project will secure Australia’s supply of nuclear medicine and give Australia the...
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Lipman… The Macquarie University Incubator is a new space for students, research staff, entrepreneurs and startups who are working on research or an idea that can be commercialised. The building is...
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A W… The Langley Precinct project is located within Sydney University’s Womens’ College. The works include a new multipurpose building, the Sibyl Centre that allows for social, activities, lectures, performances, conferences and...
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Richard… The building is an expansion of the existing college and includes new performing arts facilities, youth areas, children’s facilities, special needs facilities, commercial-grade television and sound recording studios, lecture rooms...
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Hansen… The building is a hub for the University of Newcastle, accommodating up to 3500 students a day and up to 100 staff. The building includes teaching, learning and office space...
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Multiplex… The Biological Sciences Building (Stage 1) is a contemporary research and teaching facility for the Faculty of Science at the University of New South Wales. The nine-level building represents the...
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Richard… The Bellevue Hill Public School project involved the delivery of a new 21st century facility that includes the construction of a new four-storey building, a library, presentation spaces, toilet amenities...
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RBG… The project to upgrade two adjacent terrace houses included the partial demolition of one terrace and the conversion of this and the adjoining terrace into administration offices for the college...
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Reitsma… St Andrew’s Primary School provided GLAs, breakout spaces, landscaping and a canteen refurbishment. A number of existing buildings were demolished to expand the playing areas. These works included expansive synthetic...
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Reitsma… St Patrick’s Primary School is a three-storey building with a basement and two levels of teaching areas. The design included breakout spaces and administration. Mortlake is a suburb in the...
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