Leopard… The builder was closely involved with the design of this two story alteration and addition. The ground floor is of cavity brickwork but the builder has chosen to use lightweight...
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Asheville… This project is an outstanding example of a good builder/architect relationship and the builder’s ability to create the architect’s vision. The work included excavation in rock below the existing building...
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Lovett… The emphasis in this beach house that completely envelopes an old waterfront cottage is the use of timber, with internal ‘v’ jointed panelling on the walls aligned with the timber...
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Sandlik… Once we grasped the before and after of this project, we were able to comprehend the scale of the work. The finishes and execution was also were also of a...
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Capital… Deceptively detailed and with the restriction of a fixed contract, the achievement by the builder was substantial, according to the judges. From the complex pool excavation to the beautiful handmade...
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Coastal… Whilst value for money is a key critieria in this category, the judges were impressed with the standard of workmanship, how site constraints were successfully overcome and the excellent detailing..The...
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Stonewood… The builder has overcome the challenge of installing structural beams to support and maintain the existing top floor whilst the work continued below. The execution and detailing of the work...
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Designer… The builder has worked under strict heritage guidelines on a tight contract. The dilapidated building had been vacant for over 50 years and had never been connected to water or...
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Create… An impressive transformation. The construction and presentation of the building works is of a high standard, with special attention given to the detail of balustrades, the finish of the eaves...
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Grater… An unusual style of extension to an existing period home. Although not many rooms were included in the alterations the judges were interested in the complexity of the construction. Consideration...
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