Bacuss… The brief for this project was to completely gut the existing three-bedroom apartment. The project was completed at a high level including stepped ceilings and the bathrooms, kitchen and general...
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Pacific… This whole-floor apartment was completely stripped back to internal walls. Over the next 15 months the builders and interior designers rebuilt it to produce the most exciting fit-out in Australia...
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Buildcorp… The transformation to this 1962 red textured brick unit block was amazing. To be able to work on this job and to keep the building weatherproof, the scaffold was designed...
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Hi-Pac… Hats off to the builder in overcoming the difficulties of this project. The idea of cutting off 35 old balconies over four storeys and hanging the new balconies, steel columns...
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… The builder has certainly complied with the client’s brief to enhance the facade and street appeal of this residence with a unique modern look. Being on the oceanfront there was...
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StepUP… The client required an area in which they could stop, sit, relax and talk about life with their young family. With this brief in mind the builder came up with...
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Aspire… Originally an underwhelming project home, simply but beautifully renovated within a tight budget.
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CplusC… Extremely well executed to exacting design requirements. Use of timber was outstanding but not dominant.
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M G… An intelligent re-arrangement by the builder of an existing dwelling. Finishes were consistently excellent.
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Ecobuild… The design demanded exacting finishes which the builder achieved with great aplomb.
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