CplusC… Excellent use of timber and fine detailing. Exceptional work.
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Structus… Finishes and attention to detail were of a very high standard.
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Build By… This young builder achieved superb finishes and resolutions despite a complex and demanding design.
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CplusC… The judges were able to look beyond the spectacularly detailed spiral stair and semi-circular stairwell to the generally excellent finishes and resolutions comprising the remainder of this finely designed work.
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SQ… The judges were most impressed after viewing this exceptional implementation of an exciting design.
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Stonewood… A beautifully detailed execution of a demanding design, and an impressive response to the complex drainage requirements of the site.
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Paul King… Excellent off-form concrete finishes in the rear addition and beautifully detailed work generally.
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Zack… Finishes and workmanship are of a very high standard in this complex construction. The interface of the central stair, the adjacent lightwell and pond, and the massive adjacent sliding doors...
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Living… Complex work flawlessly executed. The judges also acknowledge the contractual restrictions faced by this builder.
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Living… The judges were impressed with a Young Builder undertaking work of such complexity and scale.
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