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Important Member concessions update


Exciting and important concessions have been put in place for members for the 4 month period from the 2 November 2020 to 28 February 2021. 

One of the major new member concessions is with Master Builder Insurance Brokers (MBIB). It will provide all members – current customer or not, with...

Home warranty review completed


The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) completed its review of the NSW Home Building Compensation Fund (HBCF) on Friday the 9th October 2020. IPART will now provide recommendations for changes to HBCF, to the NSW Government by the 30th November 2020.

Initial findings in IPART’s Draft Report include:

  • Premiums...



Our workplaces might be rapidly changing, but we must still remain vigilant when it comes to health and safety. 

The recent SafeWork Australia report is a timely reminder that the construction industry is ranked in the top 5 with the greatest number of fatalities. 

In 2019, tragically there were 26...

Online courses to gain your CPD points


Refresh your skills and increase your knowledge with our industry dedicated online courses.

Our self-paced online lessons are interactive and a great way to brush-up on your skills.

The information presented utilises animation, characters, storyline, videos and case studies.
We aim to provide you a unique learning experience, which is...

Backing our best apprentices


These are the words that we all want to hear come out of an MBA Apprentice’s mouth. And this is exactly what Jakob Blake said when we called him up.

Jakob is a proud Aboriginal man who commenced his apprenticeship through the MBA with AW Edwards in 2018. AW Edwards has been a key player...

Latest lending data indicates early boost from HomeBuilder


Most categories of home lending saw growth during July 2020 according to the ABS. The new data offers an early sign of the impact of the federal government’s HomeBuilder scheme.  The table below provides a snapshot of results:

Lending data

July 2020 saw the number of owner occupiers housing loans increase by...

Notice of OC for class 2 dwellings – Deadline 14th Sept 2020


With the Residential Apartment Buildings Act coming into effect on 1 September 2020, developers of any residential apartment projects that will finish before 28 February 2021 will be required to give notice to the Office of the Building Commissioner no later than 14 September 2020. 

If the initial project application was done via the...

Nationwide red tape reduction


Tradies including carpenters, joiners, bricklayers, builders, electricians and plumbers, as well as a raft of other licensed occupations such as teachers and property agents, could find it easier to do business across state and territory borders with a new agreement that will see Council on Federal Financial Relations (CFFR) develop...