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New powers to prevent defective buildings entering the market


The NSW Building Commissioner will now have boosted powers to stop defective buildings being sold to consumers, thanks to the passing of the Residential Apartment Buildings Bill 2020 in NSW Parliament this week.

Minister for Better Regulation, Kevin Anderson said the Bill will arm the Building Commissioner with a suite...

Master Builders Ready To Help Rebuild Australia


Response to PM’s National Press Club Address

The Prime Minister’s speech to signpost the Government’s approach to building economic recovery was encouraging on many fronts. 

“The Prime Minister’s recognition that there is much worse economic news to come is important especially as the building and construction industry braces for what...

'Stimulus' rather than 'subsidies'


'Stimulus' rather than 'subsidies', that's our message to government.

Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, Master Builders has been advocating to keep construction open for business and for stimulus to keep activity going. 

To promote our position, we commissioned Ernst & Young to cost and assess the impact of five stimulus...

Fast-tracked Assessments


On 28 April 2020, the NSW Government announced the first 24 projects to undergo a fast-tracked assessment process as part of the NSW Government’s new Planning System Acceleration Program. A further 24 projects were announced in the second tranche of the Program on 22 May 2020. 

The purpose of the...

Impact of COVID-19 on construction in the Asian Region


Master Builders Australia has had the opportunity to participate in an Asia-Pacific Dialogue tonight with like-minded building and construction peak bodies representing the industry in the major Asian Region economies to understand the impact of COVID-19 on  the building and construction industry in other countries.

Not surprisingly the issues are...

Australia's home builders are open for business


“Builders and tradies remain open for business and are complying with the social distancing and hygiene rules, in line with the latest advice from government,” Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia said.

“The Prime Minister has confirmed that building is an essential industry and is being kept open but...

Construction hours extended to support industry during COVID-19


Construction sites can now operate on weekends and public holidays under new rules introduced today by the NSW Government to support the industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes said the move allows workers to abide by social distancing rules while keeping construction projects progressing...