NSW… The NSW Government has amended the Building Legislation Regulation 2023. The aims of this regulation include amending the Building and Development Certifiers Regulation 2020. The amendment extends the Regulation to...
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Cbus… The end of financial year is one of the busiest times for business owners as they rush to get their financial affairs in order. Cbus want to make sure you...
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… We're thrilled to announce the total revamp of eContracts, your go-to digital platform for contract management, going live next week. With a complete system rebuild, we've incorporated a range of...
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SafeWork… Minister for Work Health and Safety, The Hon Sophie Cotsis, has announced that SafeWork inspectors will be targeting work at heights safety on construction sites over the next 12 months...
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… Dive into the comprehensive report on the state of the building and construction industry in NSW, as of May 2023. This document, prepared by Master Builders Australia, provides a detailed...
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… Australia has begun its three-year transition to reduce allowable lead levels in many plumbing products. This initiative aims to improve water quality and safeguard public health. To support the transition...
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NSW… The new Minister for Work Health and Safety Sophie Cotsis is urging businesses and workers across the State to follow forklift safety guidelines with 1,538 serious forklift related incidents reported...
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Reserve… The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has raised interest rates again, surprising both borrowers and financial markets. This marks the 11th increase in the past year, lifting the cash rate...
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SafeWork… A 28-year-old worker was installing insulation batts on the third level of a residential construction site when he fell approximately three metres through a stair void to the concrete floor...
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NSW to… NSW will transition to a pathology referral model for COVID-19 PCR testing, in line with changes already in place across all other Australian states and territories. Minister for Health Ryan...
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