Balanced… The high standard of workmanship throughout and fine bespoke detailing is a credit to this builder. A most accomplished execution of an eccentric but delightful design requiring innovative and experimental...
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The Other… Created in Sydney’s northwest, this pool is square, however, features radius corners to the external wall. It was designed to nestle into a pocket surrounded by existing gardens and hedges...
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FreeStyle… This winning traditional-style pool surrounded by black granite coping was designed to transform a steep, unfriendly backyard into an entertainers’ dream. With the pool 3.5m out of the ground on...
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Tectonic… The homeowner was seeking something to get out of the square monotony associated with small suburban blocks of land and give their backyard striking contrast with a circular pool. Several...
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Atlanta… Located in Byron Bay, this 100 per cent natural pool is the first of its kind in Australia due to its size and scope, so Atlanta Building is a deserving...
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Premier… Premier Pools’ winning display pool with water feature demonstrates how a pool can seamlessly sit next to a home and make both feel as one. It demonstrates Premier Pools’ ability...
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Compass… Compass Pools designed this fibreglass pool specifically to suit the site and the owners’ lifestyle. Set into an existing garden setting, it utilises both traditional and modern building materials to...
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KMD… The client’s brief for this project was simply to renovate the pool at their Sydney harbourside home and to “make their old pool look good”. The renovation scope was the...
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Freedom… Freedom Pools designed this pool to suit the clients’ lifestyle perfectly. The company excavated a solid rock platform to construct the pool in the desired location. The clients had varying...
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Wright… Rarely does one come across a pool quite like this one - Wright Pools has constructed a structure full of water that is adjacent to a dry internal space. The...
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