… After 13 July 2019 the Transitional Housing Code will no longer apply for new homes and home renovations.
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Interest… “The official interest rates for the second month running is to be welcomed and we urge lenders to fully share the reduction, especially for home loan and small business customers,”...
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Building… The NSW Government has released a discussion paper, “Building Stronger Foundations”. This discussion paper for public consultation poses 30 questions about major reforms to the building and construction sector in...
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NSW… Summary of NSW State Government budget for 2019-2020 relating to the building and construction industry.
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Master… Master Builders have produced two TV commercials to highlight this important issue.
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NCC 2019… Essential information you need to know about the adoption of NCC 2019 1 May 2019 is the adoption date for the 2019 edition of the National Construction Code (NCC) by...
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MBA… Download our full budget report detailing what Master Builders called for in the 2019/20 budget and what was actually delivered for the Building and Construction Industry.
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All… Our modelling that shows Labor’s policy will reduce the number of new homes by up to 42,000 and deprive the economy of up to $11.8 billion worth of building activity.
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Managing… Christmas functions are notorious for an increased chance of safety-related incidents
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Political… Read what the political parties are saying about important building industry issues
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