NSW… Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the stimulus package is designed to keep people in jobs throughout the Corona crisis and to boost a range of medical services throughout the State. As...
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… Coronavirus is likely to present challenges for businesses regarding workplace safety and industrial relations. From a health and safety perspective, information can be found by clicking on the following links...
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… The spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) around the world is likely to have an adverse impact on Australian workplaces. The situation is rapidly changing. Master Builders Australia has requested each State...
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Master… Master Builders Australia has today announced that it is donating $150,000 to support those communities affected by the devastating bushfires and the tireless and courageous efforts of those who are...
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Trades… The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA), has opened an online register to help local builders and tradespersons to play a significant role in rebuilding their regional communities. The register collects...
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NSW… As Members would be aware, significant parts of New South Wales as well as other States, have already and are currently experiencing catastrophic bushfires. These bushfires have caused loss of...
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NSW… NSW Government has introduced legislation called the Work Health and Safety Amendment (Review) Bill 2019.
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No hot… During Total Fire Bans, hot works associated with construction / demolition can't be carried out.
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CFMMEU… Industry has identified a number of concerns about the union’s new agreement.
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CFMMEU… This is the fifth judgment handed down in the last four weeks where the CFMMEU has bullied small businesses.
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